Monday, 31 August 2015

Running dictation

Today I had a few students to start with so we had the opportunity to do a fun activity which I have learnt from my TESSOL course plus it is the Tongan language week. The children are divided into groups of 5 where they have to organise themselves so they will have a recorder and a runner. They will also have a turn in being a runner and recorder. The runner must run and read the text on their sheet of paper from the whiteboard then run back and report it back to the recorder. The next runner will repeat the same thing until the text is finished. The challenge was that first half of the text was in Tongan and the last part was in English. The children are familiar with the text.
The children absolutely love it. They were working well in their groups. Not every group was able to complete the activity but they were all excited and all put effort into completing the activity.
Children had so much fun, they were helping each other and they were so proud of what they had achieved.

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