Sunday, 23 August 2015

Cummins Framework

This past three weeks I have been learning about Cummins Framework. This framework has taught me a lots of things about the activities that I provide for my students.

In this assignment I was able to discuss what I have observed and analysed, whether the activities that I have provided for the students are catered for my bilingual learners’ needs or not. I have chosen a group of students to complete five activities in the classroom and for each activity I have determined whether the intended learning intention has been achieved or not. Then a set of principles was emerged which I believe are necessary to ensure that future activities are suitable to meet the needs of bilingual learners in my classroom.
The purpose of this assignment was to closely observe and analyse the activities with reference to Cummin’s “quadrant” framework by discussing the match or mismatch between my intended outcomes and the actual outcomes for each activity. Within the framework I have to place the five activities from my classroom in each “quadrant” and give explanation for my placement.

This assignment has taught me the importance of learning needs of my students. I need to consider the activities I am choosing to ensure that all my learners will be able to meet the learning intention. I need to consider the language that I need to use and always begin the lesson from context embedded tasks. By doing this I will ensure that my learners are extended and are being nurtured by our classroom activities in a safe environment.Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 9.32.17 PM.png

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