Friday, 6 November 2015

Reflection on my second paper for TESSOL

The ERICA model had provided me with a series of strategies to choose from in order to help the learners learn language effectively. These strategies started off from Preparing to Learn, Thinking Through, Extracting and Organising Information and  Putting It All Together. Under each stage, teachers create activities that suit different levels of students. Teachers have to modify the activities to accommodate their learners’ abilities. Each activity is carefully created with the intention that students would be engaged in worthwhile experiences. The lesson has a learning intention and at the end of each lesson it can be measured whether it has been achieved or not.
This model motivated me to look carefully at my activities to make sure that students will be engaged and learning takes place at the same time. Not only that, I have to make sure that information is thoroughly structured and students understand what is expected of them. Opportunities are given to explore the contents and meaning through the activities being designed.  ERICA model has added onto the existing pile of strategies that I have learnt to assist me as a teacher in encouraging my students to take greater responsibility for their own learning.

Friday, 23 October 2015


On Wednesday the 21st of October, I went to Stonefield for the 1:1 ipad PLG 2015. The purpose of this PLG is to support teachers who are in a  1:1 Digital Learning environment for the first time in 2015.
The agenda was focussing on pedagogy and processes for the 1:1 Digital Learning Environment.
Although I haven’t got ipad in my classroom yet I am so looking forward to it for next year. Manaikalani toolkit sessions are becoming more and more exciting. The Wednesday session was a more practical ones where teachers were Getting Creative. We made an imovie using apps  like Explain Everything. It was really cool and I have got some very ideas of what I can do with it.
With in our group we were able to create my animation story but I couldn’t able to upload it because our devices do not have the iMovie App. But we were fortunate that there was one at our table who was kind enough to share with me and Mrs Sharma and we got learnt a lot from the PD.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Learning languages is fun!!

Within our Kia Toa team we really enjoy learning languages with our students. Every week Whaea Salena comes into our room and teach Te Reo, she teaches them about Maori cultures, songs and stories. The pupils enjoy it and participate with pride. I really enjoyed learning Te Reo with my class getting to know more about most of my students and their background.
This week is the Tongan language week and I am quite proud of the students and teachers around the school using the Tongan greeting and trying to use some Tongan phrases. As a Tongan I am proud to see the children who were born here in New Zealand and are trying their best to learn a little bit about their culture and background and using the language around the school and in the classroom.
To me, knowing your learners and where they come from give us teachers some knowledge and understanding of who they are which helps in building up a positive relationship between the teacher and the learners. I want to know more about my students from other cultures too and celebrating a language week is a great opportunity that every teacher should make the most of. As a whole school we are doing performing arts where every teacher has been assigned a group of students where they can teach a dance from their own culture. The students are being distributed evenly to each group where they will learn about a dance from another culture. All this is very exciting for me because I can see students respecting and knowing about each other.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Ngaue fakataha - Collaboration!

Na'e lava lelei 'i he uike ni hono katoanga'i 'i Nuusila ni 'a e mahu'inga 'o e lea faka-Tonga. Ne kau atu ai e lautohi 'a Tamaki ki hono fakamahu'inga'i e uike mahu'inga ko 'eni. 'I he 'aho Falaite ne kau mai ai e ngaahi matu'a e fanau 'i he loki ako fika fa mo e nima 'o e ako'anga ni hono teuteu'i mai e ngaahi me'atokoni faka-Tonga ke ma'utokoni ai e fanau mo hono faka'osi 'o e uike mahu'inga ko eni ki he kainga Tonga 'i Aotearoa.
Ne lava 'e he fanau Tonga 'o e ongo loki ako ko eni 'o fai ha ngaahi hiva faka-Tonga kimu'a pea toki tapuaki'i e me'atokoni.
'Oku 'oatu 'a e fakamalo ki he pule ako, Rhonda Kelly mo hono tokoni moe kau faiako hono kotoa he poupou moe tokoni ke patoloaki 'a e mahu'inga ke ngaue'aki 'a e lea faka-Tonga 'e he fanau Tonga 'i he uike ni.
'Oku ou fie puke 'ae faingamalie ko eni ke 'oatu ai ha fakamalo loto hounga mo'oni ki he matu'a tauhi fanau 'i ho'omou loto fie taliangi 'i ho'omou 'ofa homou fanau moe fie poupou kihe uike faka-Tonga kae si'i lukuluku mai ha kii konga me'akai ke mau mama fakataha ai mo homou fanau he 'aho Falaite, 'oku 'oatu 'ae fakamalo loto hounga mo'oni meiate au. Ka ne ta'e 'oua ho'omou tokoni he 'ikai faingofua 'a e ngaue mo e ako 'a 'etau fanau malo pea malo e tokoni. Fakatauange ki he 'Otua mafimafi kene tokoni adu 'i he fua fatongia kotoa pe mei api na.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Tongan Language Week - Uike Lea Faka-Tonga.

Fakakaloa Aotearoa 'aki 'a e faiva 'a e Tonga – Enriching Aotearoa with Tongan arts.

'I he uike ni 'oku faka'ilonga'i ai 'i Nu'usila ni 'a e mahu'inga 'o e lea faka-Tonga. 'Oku fakafiefia 'aupito 'a e mamata atu ki he'etau fanau Tonga 'oku nau polepole honau tupu'anga 'aki 'enau lea 'aki e lea faka-Tonga, hiva faka-Tonga pea nau toe teki faiva foki.

'Oku fakafiefia ko e 'iai mo e ngaahi naunau kuo fa'u 'o fakatau 'i he 'initaneti ke tokoni ki he kau faiako ki hono ako'i e fanau tautefito ki he kau faiako 'oku 'ikai ke nau lea faka-Tonga. Ko e ki'i kole pe fekau'aki mo e ngaahi naunau ko eni ke toe fakatokanga'i ange hono liliu e ngaahi lea 'oku 'i ai e ngaahi lea ia ai 'oku 'ikai ke 'iai ha'atau ngaahi lea pehe 'a kitautolu. Kapau ko e feinga ke paotoloaki 'etau lea pea 'oku mahu'inga ke fakatonutonu pea toki tuku mai he 'e ma'u hala aipe e ngaahi matakali kehe 'etau lea. Ko e ki'i sipinga eni ne u fakatokanga'i ko e fo'ilea ko e fanongo ne 'ai ia ko e fanono mo e ngaahi lea kehe pe ne fehalaaki ka 'oku 'ikai ke tonu ke pehe he 'oku totongi pa'anga kae toki lava 'o ma'u.
'Oku 'ikai foki ke mau ma'u ha faingamalie tatau hange ko ia ko e ngaahi ako lautohi 'e ni'ihi 'oku fakalele faka-Tonga e ngaahi lesoni ke mau ma'u ha faingamalie ke ako pea faka'ali'ali ai e ngaahi teunga faka-Tonga pe faiva he ngaahi 'aho pehe ni. Ka neongo ia 'oku mau fiefia pe ke mau kaunga kau hono katoanga'i e uike mahu'inga ko eni 'o fakafou 'i he fekumi 'a e fanau fekau'aki mo e ngaahi tefoto'i fakakaukau 'oku nau faka'amau ke nau 'ilo kiai o 'ikai ngata pe he fanau Tonga ka 'oku kau ki ai mo e ngaahi matakali kehe foki.
'I lalo 'oku ha atu ai e ngaahi konga e fekumi 'a e fanau 'i loki ako fekau'aki mo honau fonua tupu'anga.

Monday, 31 August 2015

Running dictation

Today I had a few students to start with so we had the opportunity to do a fun activity which I have learnt from my TESSOL course plus it is the Tongan language week. The children are divided into groups of 5 where they have to organise themselves so they will have a recorder and a runner. They will also have a turn in being a runner and recorder. The runner must run and read the text on their sheet of paper from the whiteboard then run back and report it back to the recorder. The next runner will repeat the same thing until the text is finished. The challenge was that first half of the text was in Tongan and the last part was in English. The children are familiar with the text.
The children absolutely love it. They were working well in their groups. Not every group was able to complete the activity but they were all excited and all put effort into completing the activity.
Children had so much fun, they were helping each other and they were so proud of what they had achieved.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Cummins Framework

This past three weeks I have been learning about Cummins Framework. This framework has taught me a lots of things about the activities that I provide for my students.

In this assignment I was able to discuss what I have observed and analysed, whether the activities that I have provided for the students are catered for my bilingual learners’ needs or not. I have chosen a group of students to complete five activities in the classroom and for each activity I have determined whether the intended learning intention has been achieved or not. Then a set of principles was emerged which I believe are necessary to ensure that future activities are suitable to meet the needs of bilingual learners in my classroom.
The purpose of this assignment was to closely observe and analyse the activities with reference to Cummin’s “quadrant” framework by discussing the match or mismatch between my intended outcomes and the actual outcomes for each activity. Within the framework I have to place the five activities from my classroom in each “quadrant” and give explanation for my placement.

This assignment has taught me the importance of learning needs of my students. I need to consider the activities I am choosing to ensure that all my learners will be able to meet the learning intention. I need to consider the language that I need to use and always begin the lesson from context embedded tasks. By doing this I will ensure that my learners are extended and are being nurtured by our classroom activities in a safe environment.Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 9.32.17 PM.png

Friday, 14 August 2015

Writing with my students

This week I have been focusing on Writing with my students.
We have been learning to use describing words in our story.
This is a follow up from my observation of Mrs. Sharma. She showed me how I could link the learning Intention with my success criteria. Our learning Intention was to use describing words in our stories. As my students highlighted the describing words in their stories, they got deeper understanding of the describing words and could see how they have met their success criteria.  Below is an example of  the work one of my students has done.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Incredible Years Training

Incredible Years Training

“Incredible Teachers: Nurturing Children’s Social, Emotional and Academic Competence” I have been Training for this course for the last few months. The last session was a bit heartening,  sitting there and listening to every teacher sharing the same challenges that we are facing in the classroom. At the same time it does confirm some of the strategies that we are using to manage those challenging children. It doesn’t matter whether you are teaching at a Decile 10 or Decile 1 school, there is always a group of students who will challenge us across the board.

Incredible Years Teachers is such a great programme which gives teachers a “variety of creative classroom management strategies to meet children’s development milestone” (Carolyn Webster -Stratton, 2012) Even though there are only one or two children with challenging behaviour in a classroom but sometimes at the end of the day, it feels like you have dealt with the whole class. They always take a lot of  our time, and it is the good students who are missing out because they always get on with their work quietly.

With these training sessions I have noticed that I have utilized some of the strategies in my classroom and I have developed more classroom management strategies which helped deterring negative behaviour in the classroom. I have learnt to ignore the undesirable behaviour and focus on the positive behaviours, constantly identifying positive behaviour to eliminate negative behaviour without mentioning it.
The other strategy is to build positive relationship with the students as soon as a child sets foot in your classroom. You must always be firm but fair. I have to agree with Rita Pierson that “ Every kid needs a champion.” At the IYT course, we were shown a diagram of a triangle. At the bottom of the triangle its all about building relationships. This is the part where the teacher needs to find out more about the student and getting to know them will build up their relationship with that child. Students who have developed a good relation will look at their teacher as their hero, their champion, and they will do anything to please you just because you listen and talk to them.
Praising is the third strategy that I have learnt. It raises their confidence and  gives them raising them the boost that they need for the day. AND…
have you notice one thing about our challenging students...
they will never miss a day of school.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Listening activity for ESOL students

Dictation in Junior Classrooms

This is a very cool activity that I learnt at Tessol this week.

It was taught to me by Maree Jeurissen. It is an activity that was designed by Robert Heath. Maree is a fantastic teacher who teaches in the lower primary school. Because I am in the primary school too, I always look forward to what she has to share with us in her lectures. Dictation was a very easy way to teach my students prepositions. Here a scanned copy of the activity. Please feel free to use it, if you like it. 

Maths: Multiplicative Thinking

Maths: Multiplicative Thinking

This week we had a PLD on Maths. Sue Pine showed us how we could make our students think multiplicatively and encourage them to solve problems in more that one way.
I found this PD very useful. Maths is my favourite subject to teach and getting new ideas from Sue was very exciting. I really enjoyed doing the activities that Sue had introduced with my students. When my students made arrays they could think of different ways to show their multiplicative thinking.
 For example: 4x8=32 can be shown in different ways like:

4 lots of 8 is 32

Students draw a picture to show their understanding.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Teacher modelling!

Benefit of having Teacher Modelling.

Modelling is a good way of sharing your knowledge with others. On Monday the 27th of July, Mrs Sharma was demonstrating how to teach writing in my classroom. By the way I am teaching a year 2 and 3 class for the first time and I am still finding my way around in the junior classes. I am really fortunate to have Mrs Sharma as a team leader because she has the experience in the junior classes and she is also able to share her knowledge through modelling.
She started off by reading a story book which motivates and also engaged the students attention. She also used the context and the visuals to draw out the vocabulary such as muddled, confused and lonely. During her reading she often stopped and questioned students to check their understanding for example how does the little Monkey feel when she lost her mum? The children were pretty focused because they were able to answer her straight way. The lesson flowed which was really great to see. She moved on straight from story reading to brainstorming ideas using the Y chart. The students had come up with lots of describing words for the story. She asked them simple questions that stimulated their critical thinking.
I have really enjoyed this observation because I was able to follow her lesson step by step from the beginning up to the end. Before this observation I found it really hard to plan the writing for this level. Earlier I used to find writing sample for the same level but the language was still too advanced for most of my students. But this worked really well because the story was short and very entertaining and had lots of describing words. She also gave them some sentence starters which helped them to start their draft.

During the teacher conference time, students were able to reflect on their WALT and success criteria. They were able to identify if they had achieved their goal or not then give their reasons for their answer. There was one thing that Mrs Sharma has always reminded me of is’ think/pair/ share’ which allows my students to share their ideas. I found it really hard to plan for writing at this level earlier but now I feel confident with my writing lesson and am pretty happy with what I am delivering since then.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

The big reveal for inquiry!

The big reveal day! What an amazing day to start the term and a way to introduce the topic. It was a blast, the kids loved it especially when the Tuakana have to look after the Teina. Putting them in houses was an awesome idea because the little ones were being encouraged by their big brothers or sisters. The words of encouragement and the way they helped each other were such an incredible feelings. Practicing Peaceful Play was definitely displayed throughout the whole time during boot camp.
Exhaustion was there and the look of giving up was everywhere but because they saw their teachers going hard out with the activities gave them the boost. The timing was great too which was something that they all waited for, the sound of the bell was their saviour.
According to my students’ reflection, they really enjoyed the different activities and having to be with their big brothers or sisters alongside was a bonus. There were no put downs. Everyone enjoyed it.

Sunday, 7 June 2015


This year I have been very lucky to get a scholarship for TESSOL. Since I have started attended classes I find myself delving more into the minds of my young second language learners. It is very exciting to see that students are more responsive and engaged when I use the strategies learnt at TESSOL. The best thing is that I am finding myself very enthused and want to learn more and more on this topic because my core interest in teaching is to improve outcomes for Pasifika students. This has been noticed by my lead teacher as well when she comes to observe me.Lecturers are very cooperative and friendly. I would recommend this course to anyone who wishes to upgrade their skills in teaching.