This week I thought that I will go back and give an activity to see whether my students will understand it or not. I wrote down on the modelling book “ 3 groups of 5” then I said it out loud, what is 3 groups of 5 equal to? One student put up her hand and said “15”. I turned around and ask the rest of the group if they agreed with it. Most of them showed thumbs up and only a few showed that they don’t know it and all my target students were unsure.
I showed them the time tables 2. We discussed what does it mean to them. No one in my target group had any idea about it so I decided to bring the whole class down because I need the others to start the conversation rather than listening to my voice. 
As I showed the 2 timetables and started to questions them. What does the first column tell you? And what about the second column? One person said that the first column tells us how many groups that you will have and the second column means that how many is a group. I ask another person to repeat and what has been said and kept going around the circle.
After that, I wrote down one multiplication sentence and the students were able to help me complete it together.
After that then they tried it themselves.
This whole week I need to continue on with multiplication concept to consolidate their knowledge before moving them onto solving problems. I have interviewed two of my
Target students because they still do not get the idea and they said they need to do it over a few times before they understand it. They need time to practise and I totally understand.