Malo ‘aupito! I would like to thank our Board of Trustees and the Principal for providing this awesome opportunity to attend this great conference. Ulearn conference is an inspirational meeting with innovative ideas for us teachers but it is up to us to choose from or ignore.
The first breakout that struck me most was the breakout on connecting with the students. The presenter were both European teachers talking about “where cultural literacies connect”. It started off with a youtube video. What a great start for the day, the room was so quiet with amazement. I was emotionally inspired and also motivated after watching the multicultural group of students performs a Pasifika song with pride even though they were from other ethnic backgrounds. These two teachers weren’t the experts but they were influenced by their experiences. They reminded us to be culturally responsive by acknowledging and valuing what our students bring to class. They indicated that “children don’t come into our classroom as an empty vessel”. They come with huge experiences. This affirmed what I have learned at Uni, that students come with cultural literacies but it is up to the teacher to find ways to connect with their learner. Teachers need to value their experiences. We need to see our students using a different lens and try to connect with them. According to McKenzie & Singleton, (2012)”The culture of the child cannot enter the classroom until it has first entered the consciousness of the teacher.”
The second breakout was the breakout on accelerating reading progress of our akonga using culturally responsive practices and digital technologies. This was presented by two incredible teachers from Takanini School. They virtually talked about similar things like being culturally responsive but they used the devices to share their learning. I am already employing these pedagogies in class which my TESSOL study has affirmed and would continue doing it as it is best practice. So once again,a big “Malo ‘aupito” the Board of Trustees” and Principal for my first Ulearn conference.